The Power of Probiotics

Here at Diabetes Relief, we want to share with our patients the best products and supplements we can find to help the treatment and speed up the healing process. One of those products is Probiotics. The word “probiotic” means “for life.” Can you guess what “antibiotic” means? That’s why, when you are prescribed antibiotics, for whatever reason, you must offset them with probiotics. Do you know how powerful probiotics are? We’d like to share these facts from randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (most of which studied Lactobacillus in particular):


We all hate exercise, don’t we? But have you heard about the benefits of rebounding? Get yourself a mini-trampoline (you can find one for about $100–no need to spend more) and spend only a few minutes a day on it.

Dr. Samuel West discovered the importance of activating the lymphatic system for better health and pain control. He found that “trapped proteins” in the lymph system produce conditions that cause loss of energy, disease, and death at the cellular level. He has had outstanding results by simply getting people to pump out the toxins from the “garbage” disposal system (our lymph system) with simple, gentle movements on a mini-trampoline, called “rebounding.”

Are You Short on Iodine?

Iodine is important to our bodies, and we have an excellent source right here at our clinic. The Thyroid gland needs iodine to produce the  thyroid hormones, which support a healthy metabolism. The body does not make iodine, so it is must be an essential part of your diet or taken via supplements.  Vegetarians, especially vegans, are particularly at risk for thyroid deficiency.  Too much iodine can also cause problems, and as with most things regarding our health, balance is the key.


We hear a lot about nitric oxide these days, especially on all those commercials about beets.  A recent article, “Is Nitric Oxide a Cancer-Healing Powerhouse?” by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers is instructive, so we summarize it here for our readers. Nitric Oxide (“NO”) is one of the most studied substances out there and is believed to slow and even stop tumor growth. It may well be one of the strongest yet little-known cancer-fighters.


What Is the Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis? Both OA and RA produce joint pain and inflammation. OA is joint stiffness caused by loss of cartilage between joints due to wear and tear; RA is an autoimmune attack on joints. The Arthritis Foundation ( says there are more than 100 types of arthritis, and it’s the leading cause of disability in America.

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