Feb 20, 2019 | Articles Archive, Everyday Wellness
C-section births, named for Julius Caesar, and The Suda, a Byzantine-Greek historical encyclopaedia from the 10th Century, states: “The emperors of the Romans receive this name from Julius Caesar, who was not born. For when his mother died in the ninth month, they cut her open, took him out, and named him thus; for in the Roman tongue dissection is called ‘Caesar.’”
Feb 20, 2019 | Articles Archive, Everyday Wellness
Here at Diabetes Relief, we want to share with our patients the best products and supplements we can find to help the treatment and speed up the healing process. One of those products is Probiotics. The word “probiotic” means “for life.” Can you guess what “antibiotic” means? That’s why, when you are prescribed antibiotics, for whatever reason, you must offset them with probiotics. Do you know how powerful probiotics are? We’d like to share these facts from randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (most of which studied Lactobacillus in particular):
Oct 25, 2018 | Everyday Wellness
CHRIS KRESSER is an author, Paleo expert, and a general fighter for good health, whose Website is chriskresser.com. For your education and personal investigation, here’s what he says about cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.