What if I said, “How are you?” You might respond, “I’m fine, thank you.” If I said, “¿Como estás?” You might respond, “Muy bién, grácias.” What if I said “Guten Tag” or “A salam alaikum”? You might be confused.

Well, that’s a lot like what happens when you have diabetes. Your pancreas and liver are no longer having a productive conversation. It’s like they are no longer speaking in the same language.

Scientific articles tell us how the pancreas communicates, and we we are told that the liver will respond appropriately when it hears the right signals.  The PIR treatment administers insulin as a hormone, but when diabetes is treated traditionally,  insulin is given as a drug, in a way that doesn’t appropriately signal the liver.

Diabetes Relief’s PIR treatment is a tool that helps physicians to restore that communication. Once these two organs get back on the same page, we can start to appreciate that it may not have been that the patient had become “insulin resistant;” it’s more like the pancreas stopped speaking to the liver in a way the liver could understand. Instead of changing the language, the pancreas just turned up the volume (which created Hyperinsulinemia), and things just kept getting worse. You’ve probably seen some English speakers who try to speak English slower and louder when they encounter people who don’t speak English. Unfortunately, slower and louder can’t overcome the language barrier! With traditional diabetes treatment, more and more insulin is given, to no avail.

At Diabetes Relief, we believe that Diabetes Relief powered by PIR is like the Rosetta Stone for your metabolism!

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